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Shall I read them?" Mr. Condor drew a piece of paper from his pocket, and, holding his cigar in one hand and whiffing at intervals, read: "Whereas our late associate and friend, Abel Newt, has been suddenly removed from this world, in the prime of his life and the height of his usefulness, by the hand of an inscrutable but all-wise Providence, to whose behests we desire always to bow in humble resignation; and

He emitted a single whiffing snort, and flinging his tail high in air, made for the other side of the prairie as if Death himself was racing at his heels. His actions were of that pronounced character that his fright communicated itself to the rest of the herd.

Jemmy looked at her with a good deal of surprise, and, after whiffing away the smoke, asked "And well, Rosha begs pardon Mrs. Burke is it a fair question to ax where you are bound for?" "Fair enough, Mr. Burke," she replied; "but I'm not goin' to answer it." "You're bound for a journey, ma'am, I think?" "I'm bound for a journey, sir." "Is it a long journey, Mrs. Burke?"

Then he went cautiously round his prison, whiffing the sides, rearing up on the log walls. Across the rear corner was a pile of boxes. He climbed up on them. They rattled and he jumped quickly down. But later, after all sound had ceased in the shack and the lights he had been watching through a chink in the logs had gone out, he climbed carefully over behind these boxes.

Soon after he left the buoy, he heard just above his head a sort of whiffing sound, which his imagination conjured into the prelude to the 'rushing of a mighty wind, and close to his ear there followed a smart splash in the water, and a sudden shriek that went through him, such as is heard "'When the lone sea-bird wakes its wildest cry.

And as soon as the weather mends you must try some fishing; I dare say I can fit you up, and young Dale here will lend a hand." "Oh yes," I said eagerly. "And don't know anything about it, eh?" I stared at him in surprise. "Why, I've fished at sea hundreds of times, sir," I said. "Whiffing, long line, trot, and bulter; and we used to go out to the rocks off Falmouth to set small trammels."