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That will fetch him." The men of the derrick gang were righting the last of the derailed box-cars, and the crew of the wrecking-train was shifting the cripples into line for the return run to Angels. "We'll be going in a few minutes," said the master-mechanic, taking his foot from the wheel-hub. "Do you want to meet Lidgerwood?"

"Oh! we don't need it, I assure you," said I; "we understand him entirely." "Not a bit of it!" said he, shaking his brown curls; "I am the transparent one." He stepped up on the wheel-hub to get his bag, and to say he should strike off for Middleton on foot. He would see us very soon in New York, and claim our promise to visit him.

You can't work upon my feelings; I a'n't one of your soft kind. Drive up to the door, Stephen." Stephen is very glad to start the horse suddenly and graze Gentleman Bill's knee with the wheel-hub. Bill steps back a pace, and follows him with the smiting look of one who treasures up wrath. You'd better be careful, Stephen, let me tell you! Joe stands holding the door open, and Mr. Frisbie looks in.

Martin had learned the contrivance from Joe at the Shelly Hot Springs. The old wheel-hub, fixed on the end of the upright pole, constituted the plunger. Making this, in turn, fast to the spring-pole attached to the kitchen rafters, so that the hub played upon the woollens in the barrel, he was able, with one hand, thoroughly to pound them. "No more Maria washa da wools," her story always ended.

"Now you watch me, Maria," he said, stripping off to his undershirt and gripping an iron that was what he called "really hot." "An' when he feenish da iron' he washa da wools," as she described it afterward. "He say, 'Maria, you are da greata fool. I showa you how to washa da wools, an' he shows me, too. Ten minutes he maka da machine one barrel, one wheel-hub, two poles, justa like dat."