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You put a broom acrosst your door at night an old witches gotta count ever straw in dat broom fore she can come in. "Some folks can jes nachly see hants bettern others. Teeny, my gal can. I reckon das cause she been borned wid a veil you know, a caul, sumpum what be over some babies' faces when dey is borned. Folks borned wid a caul can see sperrits, an tell whas gonna happen fore it comes true.

Dey won't give me rations dey give rations to young folks whas workin, but won't give me nary a mouthful." "Why is that?" "Well, dey wanted me to go to de poor house. I was willin to go, but I wanted to take my trunk along an dey wouldn't let me. I got some things in dere I been havin nigh onta a hunnert years. Got my old blue-back Webster, onliest book I ever had, scusin my Bible.

There’s no one here but me and the children; you’ve woke them up and frightened them by pounding on the door. I ask you to go away." "If he ain’t in there, will you let us search the house?" It was Henderson that spoke, Henderson, foreman of the "XXX" outfit. "I can’t have them frightened; please take my word and go away." "Whas er matter, muvvy?" called Judith, sleepily.

"Hasn't I got eyes an' ears?" demanded Sally. "Your voice ain't nigger, your 'plexion ain't nigger, an' your mout' an' nose ain't nigger. Does you t'ink Sally's an ass?" "No, indeed, I am sure you are not; but but, you you won't betray me, Sally?" "Whas dat?" "You won't tell upon me? Oh, you can't think what dreadful punishment I shall get if I am found out!