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"Bill, did you-all shoot, a time back?" queried Mr. Brewster the moment the possé came up. Bill laughed. "Ah'll explain in a minute. You-all see it wa'r this way: After you-all left for home, yesterday, it wa'r found how some low-down sneaks got wind of this claim and planned to ride up at once.

It looked a lot like claim-jumpin', so we-all got together mighty quick and rode after them to spare the Lord any trouble in judgin' 'em. Also, we-all reckoned to save your party any nonsense over the gold, 'specially as thar wa'r four gals in it." "But three rascals got a lead on you," interrupted Sam.

"Waiter a-hoy!" shouted Captain Bluenose sternly, on hearing this. "Yes-sir." "Bring me a tumbler o' gin and a pot o' cold water." "Tum'ler o' gin sir an' a por o' col' wa'r, sir? Yes sir." The waiter stopped suddenly and turned back. "Mixed, sir?" "No, not mixed, sir," replied Bluenose, with a look and tone of withering sarcasm; "contrairywise, wery much separated."

It is the best ground of all, especially where the yellow or brown sands are overlaid by hard gravel, or by a natural metalling of trap and other stones. Wa'r the broken stony surface, over which camels either cannot travel, or travel with difficulty: it is the horror of the Bedawi; and, when he uses the word, it usually means that it causes man to dismount.