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The Prophet started violently and leaned upon the window-sill. "No! How can that be?" he ejaculated. "Ho! Them girls knows everything, especially the old uns," said the blot, with an audible chuckle. "Good gracious!" gasped the Prophet, overwhelmed at this mysterious visitant's familiar description of his revered grandmother.

Those present lacking either the desire to accost the dread presence, or a command of the ancient Greek, after a bit Mr. Smitz turned off the gas and the noises that had heralded the visitant's appearance began in reverse order, and at their cease, the gas being turned on again, there was the circle quite bare of any evidence that a Greek warrior in full panoply had but now stood there.

You think Napoleon is aware of the intruder?" "I know it. He has been watching my visitant ever since the night of that visitant's arrival." Another flash of light came to the Priest. "That was why you covered him with green baize one evening?" "Exactly. An act of cowardice. His behaviour was beginning to grate upon my nerves."

From far away there came the lonely howl of a wolf; a great white man-owl fluttered close to the camp and chortled his crazy, half-human "hello, hello, hello;" the trees cracked with the tightening frost, but neither wolf howl nor frost nor the ghostly visitant's insane voice aroused those who were sleeping. An hour passed and still Rod sat by the fire; his rifle lying across his knees.