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DON EDUARDO. ¡Toma, ya te desanimas! DOÑA MATILDE. No, pero extraño cómo has tenido paciencia para oír tanta grosería. DON EDUARDO. En efecto, merecía el gran vinagre que le hubiera tirado los tres duros a la cabeza. DOÑA MATILDE. Y ¿por qué no lo has hecho? DON EDUARDO. En primer lugar porque no tenía los tres duros. DOÑA MATILDE. Podías haberle castigado de otro modo.

I am not in need, besides I have no great way to go to where I can get a fresh supply. Drink, senor, drink it all." In ten seconds after the calabash is empty. "Now eat the tortillas. 'Tis but poor fare, but the chili vinagre will be sure to strengthen you. We who dwell in the desert know that."

After this state of things had endured six months, they accepted a new President sent from Rio Janeiro, who, however, again irritated them by imprisoning their favourite leader, Vinagre. The revenge which followed was frightful.

But having pre-excited attention, we had full leisure to sharpen our eye. To these imprudent authors and actors we may apply a Spanish proverb, which has the peculiar quaintness of that people, Aviendo pregonado vino, venden vinagre: "Having cried up their wine, they sell us vinegar." A ridiculous humility in a preface is not less despicable.