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You see I was kind of figurin' somethin' like this when I first come to this here place 'way back when I met you that evenin'. Says I to meself, 'a fella couldn't even raise robins on this here farm, but from the looks of that water-hole he could raise water, and folks sure got to have water in this country. I was thinkin' of irrigatin' and raisin' alfalfa and veg'tables, but fifty a month sounds good to me.

"'The grub's dealt down, says Dave, explainin' to this obnoxious tenderfoot, 'till thar's nothin' left in the box but beans, coffee, an' beans. It's a cat-hop, but it can't be he'ped none. "'Cat-hop or no cat-hop, says this tenderfoot, 'I'm dead ag'in beans; an' you can gamble I ain't out to devour no sech low veg'tables; none whatever.

This mornin' he was pullin' the husks off a baby ear o' corn that Jabe brought in, 'n' s' 'e, 'S'manthy, I think the corn must be the happiest of all the veg'tables. 'How you talk! s' I; 'what makes you think that way?" "Why, because, s' 'e, 'God has hidden it away so safe, with all that shinin' silk round it first, 'n' then the soft leaves wrapped outside o' the silk.

For a man that's dreamed of garden-truck jest as he wants it, and never had veg'tables enough in twenty years of sloshin' round the world on shipboard, it's about the most cussed, aggravatin' thing I ever got against. And there I am! Swear and chase and northin' comin' of it!" Hiram clenched his cigar more firmly in his teeth, leaned over carefully, and picked up the recumbent P.T.