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"What do you care for that old cuss?" went on Gouverneur, who, being of the true blue blood himself, had a fad of making game of the whole race of ancient worthies. "I don't really care," said Charley; "but as my mother was a Vandam, she may have descended from this Rip. I have no documents to prove it." "Oh, I see. Excuse me for making fun of your forefathers.

Popper, but to-night you are under arrest for the murder of Mary Vandam and the attempted murder of Henry Vandam." VI. The Diamond Maker "I've called, Professor Kennedy, to see if we can retain you in a case which I am sure will tax even your resources. Heaven knows it has taxed ours." The visitor was a large, well-built man.

Or rather it seemed to me to come from the floor near the cabinet, and perhaps to be a trifle muffled by the black carpet. "Are you in communication with Mrs. Vandam?" Rap! rap! rap! "Can she be made to rap for us?" Rap! rap! "Will you ask her a question and spell out her answer?" Rap! rap! rap! Craig paused a moment to frame the question, then shot it out point-blank: "Does Mrs.

One contains no quinine at all it is all morphine and atropine. It is, without doubt, precisely similar to the capsule which killed Mrs. Vandam. Another night or so, and Henry Vandam would have died the same death." The old man groaned. Two such exposures had shaken him. He looked from one of us to another as if not knowing in whom he could trust. But Kennedy hurried on to his next point.

I had not heard the first part of the conversation, and was considerably surprised when Kennedy hung up the receiver and said: "Vandam had the prescription filled again early this morning, and it will soon be in the hands of O'Connor. I hope I haven't spoiled things by acting too soon, but I don't want to run the risk of a double tragedy." "Well," I said, "it is incomprehensible to me.

Popper, who had not recovered from the hysterical condition of her exposure, with difficulty controlled her emotion. Vandam was crushed. "I have not only arranged this laboratory so as to reproduce Mrs. Popper's seance-room," began Craig afresh, "but I have had the cabinet placed in relatively the same position a similar cabinet occupies in Mr. Vandam's private seance-room in the Vandam mansion.