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Behind it Tiberius in a travelling-cloak, his hands unringed, marched meditating on the curiosities of life, while to the rear there straggled a troop of dancing satyrs, led by a mime dressed in resemblance of Augustus, whose defects he caricatured, whose vices he parodied and on whom the surging crowd closed in.

This was the end of the road, for youth and beauty and power and wealth, this sunken, unrecognizable face, this gathering of shadows among the dull, wintry shadows of the afternoon. Annie was kneeling, too, her fine, unringed hands clasping one of her mother's hands.

And sometimes in those hours it seemed to Rachael that she was no more in the great scheme of things than one of these myriad gulls, than one of the grains of sand through which she ran her white, unringed fingers.

She sat watching the sea, which was very beautiful, as even the Brighton sea can be sometimes. Her eyes were soft and calm; her hands were folded on her black silk dress, her pretty little tender-looking hands, unringed, for she was still Miss Williams, still a governess. But even at thirty-five she had now reached that age, nay, passed it she was not what you would call "old-maidish."

As one of his listeners might have spoken of tea too strong at a Madison Square "afternoon," so he depicted the ravages of "redeye" in a border town when the caballeros of the lariat and "forty-five" reduced ennui to a minimum. And then, with a sweep of his white, unringed hands, he dismissed Melpomene, and forthwith Diana and Amaryllis footed it before the mind's eyes of the clubmen.

Turdus philomelus spelt L-u-c-k for our friend that morn, for he had not prospected two hundred yards when he came on a place where a vagrant "sounder" of half-grown, domestic, unringed pigs had been canvassing the wood for beech-mast, acorns, and roots during the night.

I am can only tell you that it is hardly customary in an in England for young people to wear a profusion of ornament." "I wonder if I wear a profusion." "You don't need any," he condescended. "You are too young, and all that sort of thing." She glanced down at her slim, unringed hands for a moment, her expression quite thoughtful.

Strike off from that across the grass, again uphill. When you reach the top you will find a hollow, and in it a shepherd's hut deserted. Meet me there at dusk to-morrow, about six, and I will tell you how to help me." "I will be there," said the Captain. The lady held out both her hands small, white, ungloved, and unringed.