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When, at intervals, the window trembled, the rusty vane upon the turret-top complained, the clock beneath it recorded that another quarter of an hour was gone, or the fire collapsed and fell in with a rattle. When a knock came at his door, in short, as he was sitting so, and roused him. "Who's that?" said he. "Come in!"

Belle-Isle-en-Mer Fair-Isle-at-Sea that is a name that has always rung in my mind's ear like music; but the only "Fair Isle" on which I ever set my foot was this unhomely, rugged turret-top of submarine sierras. And yet he must have lived on friendly terms with his outlandish hosts.

Solid iron from keelson to turret-top, clinging to anything for safety, if the Monitor should go down, would only insure a share in her fate. No mast, no spar, no floating thing, to meet the outstretched hand in the last moment. The sea, like the old-world giant, gathered force from each attack.

It was Providential indeed! His place was filled, and the preparations went on briskly. The turret and sight-holes were calked, and every possible, entrance for water made secure, only the smallest openings being left in the turret-top, and the blower-stacks, through which the ship was ventilated.

BELLE-ISLE-EN-MER Fair-Isle- at-Sea that is a name that has always rung in my mind's ear like music; but the only "Fair Isle" on which I ever set my foot, was this unhomely, rugged turret-top of submarine sierras. And yet he must have lived on friendly terms with his outlandish hosts.

It would be no pain to sleep amidst them. She left the chapel, and climbed to its turret-top. Oh! the glory of the sudden burst of light; the freshness of the fields and woods, meeting the bright blue sky; everything so beautiful and happy! It was like passing from death to life; it was drawing nearer heaven.

He had stood for some minutes looking thoughtfully into the fire, and the sadness of his expression ever deepening, before the old man raised his face, and said, 'You here, Malcolm? where are the others? 'Patie and Lily are still on the turret-top, fair Uncle, returned the boy. 'It was so cold; and he shivered again, and seemed as though he would creep into the fire.