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Anastasia, and has produced the tombs of the Scaligeri before the chapel of Santa Maria Antica. I have already pledged myself not to attempt any description of these tombs, and shall not fall now. But I bought in the.

It promised quite exceptional material, this particular specimen, rich in tombs and monuments. There was character about it, a scent of bygone days. She pictured the vanished congregations in their powdered wigs and stiff brocades. How picturesque must have been the marriages that had taken place there, say in the reign of Queen Anne or of the early Georges.

Grotesques were largely used in ornament. The name is derived from grottoes, as the Roman tombs being excavated at the time were called, and were in imitation of the paintings found on their walls, and while they were fantastic, the word then had no unkindly humorous meaning as now.

Even were there no other reason for his fearing to be found in that place, the act itself would make him liable to punishment possibly no less than death! For among the Tovas, as many other tribes of South American Indians infidels though they are called the tombs of their dead are held as sacred as those of the Spanish Christians who so designate them.

The houses of different classes differed from one another by the type of tiles, the decorations of the doors and gates; the size of the main reception room of the house was prescribed and was kept small for all non-officials; and even size and form of the tombs was prescribed in detail for each class.

Again, "those who have traced the long line of the Appian Way, between its ruined and blackening sepulchres, or stood in the Street of Tombs that leads to the Gate of Pompeii, and gazed on the sculptured magnificence of these marble dwellings of the dead, must have felt their solemnity, and admired their splendour." Rome, &c., vol. ii.

But I tell you that before the days of the park lovers had no place to walk in but the cemetery; not the ancient churchyard of St. One generation was forced to make love over the tombs of another and such tombs! before the days of the park. That is the sufficient answer to any criticism of the park. The highest terrace of the park is a splendid expanse of gravel, ornamented with flower-beds.

Upon gaining the deck, Captain Delano started at the unexpected figure of Atufal, monumentally fixed at the threshold, like one of those sculptured porters of black marble guarding the porches of Egyptian tombs. But this time the start was, perhaps, purely physical.

Down in the south, where the heated sands of Egypt never cool, there in the rock-hewn tombs lie the mummies wrapped and lapped and wound about with a hundred yards of linen, in the hope, it may be, that spices and balm might retain within the sarcophagus some small fragment of human organism through endless ages, till at last the gift of life revisited it.

On entering the latter they repeated the usual salutation: "Peace be upon ye, O People of Al-Bakia," and then sought out the principal tombs namely those of the Caliph Othman, "Our Lady Halimah," the Infant Ibrahim, and about fourteen of Mohammed's wives.