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Iglesias and I, meanwhile, marched along and shot the game of the country, namely, one Tetrao Canadensis, one spruce-partridge, making in all one bird, quite too pretty to shoot with its red and black plumage. The spruce-partridge is rather rare in inhabited Maine, and is malignantly accused of being bitter in flesh, and of feeding on spruce-buds to make itself distasteful.

After residing two months at London, they took shipping thence for Germany; and, travelling thence by way of Basil, in Switzerland, they arrived, after a journey of twenty-four days, in safety and good health at Venice. The Rein-deer, Cervus tarandus, Lin. Forst. Probably the Tetrao lagopus, Lin. Forst. Falco Gyrfalcus, and Falco astur. Forst.

Hartman, Dr., on the singing of Cicada septendecim. Hatred, persistence of. Haughton, S., on a variation of the flexor pollicis longus in man. Hawks, feeding orphan nestling. Hayes, Dr., on the diverging of sledge-dogs on thin ice. Haymond, R., on the drumming of the male Tetrao umbellus; on the drumming of birds.

He must have got up near the engine of course losing some time in the act of rising and fallen back gradually to my place, which was in a rear car. But when a schedule for birds comes to be framed, it is safe to set down Tetrao cupido at about the speed above named. Timed from a rail-car, that is; for, looked at over a gun, he seems to move five times as fast.

The kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, hoopoe, woodpeckers, etc., utter harsh cries; and the brilliant birds of the tropics are hardly ever songsters. We can perceive that if the plumage did not vary in brightness, or if bright colours were dangerous to the species, other means would be employed to charm the females; and melody of voice offers one such means. Tetrao cupido: male.

Wood, T.W., on the colouring of the orange-tip butterfly; on the habits of the Saturniidae; quarrels of chamaeleons; on the habits of Menura Alberti; on Tetrao cupido; on the display of plumage by male pheasants; on the ocellated spots of the Argus pheasant; on fighting of Menura superba; on the habits of the female cassowary. Woodcock, coloration of the.

As many as forty or fifty, or even more birds congregate at the leks; and the same place is often frequented during successive years. The lek of the capercailzie lasts from the end of March to the middle or even end of May. In North America "the partridge dances" of the Tetrao phasianellus "last for a month or more." Soc. Imp. des Nat.

R. Carr in 'Land and Water, Aug. 8th, 1868, p. 46. In regard to Lobivanellus, see Jerdon's 'Birds of India, vol. iii. p. 647, and Gould's 'Handbook of Birds of Australia, vol. ii. p. 220. For the Hoplopterus, see Mr. The presence of the female is the teterrima belli causa. Mr. Richardson on Tetrao umbellus, 'Fauna Bor. Amer.: Birds, 1831, p. 343.

In Northern America large numbers of a grouse, the Tetrao phasianellus, meet every morning during the breeding-season on a selected level spot, and here they run round and round in a circle of about fifteen or twenty feet in diameter, so that the ground is worn quite bare, like a fairy-ring.

Tetrao phasianellus, dances of; duration of dances of. Tetrao scoticus. Tetrao tetrix, pugnacity of the male. Tetrao umbellus, pairing of; battles of; drumming of the male. Tetrao urogalloides, dances of. Tetrao urogallus, pugnacity of the male. Tetrao urophasianus, inflation of the oesophagus in the male. Thamnobia, young of. Thecla, sexual differences of colouring in species of.