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After breakfast I sprawled on the floor ... I always sprawl on floors instead of sitting in chairs.... Swartzman and Bella Meunier and I talked and talked and talked ... of Poe ... of Baudelaire, of Balzac.... Then Nichi launched forth on a long disquisition on Japanese and Chinese art, and Mrs.

Von Hammer said he would do his best ... after much persuasion and a few more drinks.... And Nichi Swartzman danced.... We saw, though we did not know it, the origin of modern futurist dancing there.

His fire wakes kindred fire ... why must we leave the business of teaching to the corpse-minded, the dead-hearted? like so many of our professors and teachers!" I found out afterward that Nichi Swartzman was utterly irresponsible as he was brilliant.

Nichi Swartzman, the tall Japanese genius, showed up, and Bella Meunier, Nichi, and I ate breakfast together. Swartzman was, and is, a magnificent talker ... a torch of inspiration burned brightly in his brain, with continual conversational fire. But he must have his drink. Several of them. Which Laston's wife poured for him abundantly.

"Well, then, Curly," said Franklin, again addressing himself to his witness, "please tell us how long you have known this prisoner." "Ever since we was kids together. He used to be a mozo on my pap's ranch, over in San Saba County." "Did you ever know him to receive any injury, any blow about the head?" "Well, onct ole Hank Swartzman swatted him over the head with a swingletree.

There were present about a dozen guests, picked from Buffalo's bohemia. They sat about on the floor on cushions. Swartzman recited Poe's Black Cat, with gestures and facial contortions that were terrifying. His huge, yellow, angular Japanese face grimacing near the ceiling ... he was six foot six, if anything....