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What a number of items of human crime, misery, slavery, go to form that sum-total of glory!

Well and what of the theory of Compensations, that all men get the same sum-total of good and bad, that position is really immaterial to happiness?

Three turns of the handle, and the all but defunct instrument ejaculates 'tink; six more inaudible turns, and then the responding string answers 'tank. 'Tink tank' is the sum-total of his performance, to any defects in which he is as insensible as a blind man is to colour.

Each strives to get the profit on his own side of the account, and the loss on that of his neighbor. So rest thee well, girl; and remember that matrimony is no more than a capital bargain, on whose success depends the sum-total of a woman's comfort and so once more, good night."

The pure unencumbered idea, the "Idea of ideas," is the Logos, or divine Reason, which represents the sum-total of the activities which sustain the world, and serves as a mediator between the absolutely ideal God and the absolutely non-ideal matter. Here we arrive at a Gnostic conception, which the Philonists of Alexandria were not slow to appropriate.

What reincarnates is the karma, the sum-total of the acts and thoughts of countless anterior existences, each existences, each one of which, as an integer in some great spiritual system of addition and subtraction, may affect all the rest. Like a magnetism, the karma is transmitted from form to form, from phenomenon to phenomenon, determining conditions by combinations.

This is the sum-total: but for Friedrich's sake, and to illustrate the situation, let us take a few glances more, into the then Satan's Invisible World, which had become so ominously busy round Friedrich and others. A very wretched Bruhl, as seen in these Menzel Documents. A famishing dog in the most singular situation. What he dare do, he does, and with such a will.

There is nothing beside; oh, disappointed and therefore enraged reader; positively this is the sum-total of what I can recall from the wreck of years; and certainly it is not much. Even of Sappho, though time has made mere ducks and drakes of her lyrics, we have rather more spared to us than this. 'In the sun's palace-porch, And murmurs as the ocean murmurs there.

We have said that woman was the great educator on the frontier. She was something more than an educator, as the term is usually applied. The teaching of the rudiments of school-learning was a fraction in the sum-total of her training and influence. The means of moulding and guiding the minds of the young upon the border are very different from what they are in more settled states of society.