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On the great question of the Right of Search, the International Law has been summed up by Lord Stowell, in the case of the Maria, where the exercise of the right was attempted to be resisted, by the interposition of a convoy of Swedish ships of war.

"How did you learn they hadn't reached town?" demanded Button. "Sergeant Fitzroy just came out. He'd been in there with Sergeant Stowell to help find Rawdon, he said.

Each party was thus left free to decide what was contraband in its own courts of the law of nations, leaving any false appeal to that law to the usual remedy of reprisals and war. Since the ratification of this treaty, we have a decision of Lord Stowell, in 1799, on this very subject, in the case of the Haabet, which, however, arose on a question of insurance.

It annoyed him that a non-commissioned officer should have taken such a time and place to offer a complaint. He still disapproved. Moreover, he had given Sergeant Fitzroy no authority to go as volunteer aid to Sergeant Stowell. "How did you happen to be in town, sergeant?" was the abrupt demand.

His notions of the eminence and importance of his academic situation were so peculiar, that, when he afterwards accepted a college living, he expressed to Lord Stowell his doubts whether, after living so long in the great world, he might not grow weary of the comparative retirement of a country parish. CROKER. See ante, ii. 382, note. Dr.

Scott of the Commons' priding himself more on his membership in the Literary Club than on his standing in the Prerogative Court; and as Lord Stowell evincing cordial respect for the successors of Reynolds and Malone, even when love of money had taken firm hold of his enfeebled mind. Archdeacon Paley's London residence was in Edward Law's house in Bloomsbury Square.

Then Slidell and Mason were arrested, and I began to calculate how long I might remain in the country. "There is no danger. We are quite right," the lawyers said. "There are Vattel, and Puffendorff, and Stowell, and Phillimore, and Wheaton," said the ladies. "Ambassadors are contraband all the world over more so than gunpowder; and if taken in a neutral bottom," etc.

Johnson, and after his elevation to the woolsack overwhelm Gibbon with hospitable civilities. Unlike his brother, Lord Stowell clung fast to his literary friendships, as 'Dr.

The suggestion of this obstacle was originally Lord Clare's; and though Lord Kenyon and Lord Stowell had declared it unfounded in law, Lord Loughborough and Lord Eldon were unfortunately of a different opinion. With George III. the idea became a monomaniac certainty, and there is no reason to doubt that he would have preferred abdication to its abandonment.

I moved it carelessly away, and only felt a little pain, as if from a pin-prick; but the blood was dripping on to the floor, pat, pat. Later on, a man lit the candles on the judge's desk, and the court looked different. There were deep shadows everywhere; and the illuminated face of Lord Stowell looked grimmer, less kind, more ancient, more impossible to bring a ray of sympathy to.