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"You never heard any such music from my foghorn. What I said was that I did not believe it practicable just now. The guys with wads are not in the frame of mind to slack up on the mazuma, and the man with the portable tin banqueting canister isn't exactly ready to join the Bible class. You can bet your variegated socks that the situation is all spifflicated up from the Battery to breakfast!

Old Murdock is up talkin' wild about damage suits, and there's evidently been one hell of a row, but I just got back myself from drivin' a drummer over to Watsonville." "Know if Darrell is in town?" "Oh, he's in town; there ain't no manner of doubt as to that." "Drunk, eh?" "Spifflicated, pie-eyed, loaded, soshed," agreed the liveryman succinctly. Welton shook his head humorously and ruefully.

There's nothing funny about that." Smith rubbed his head. ... For thirst is long and throats is short Among the sons o' men. I Wish I was spifflicated before I ever seen a pub! You see, it's this way.

"Him?" says the black-and-tan. "Why, he uses Nature's Own Remedy. He gets spifflicated. At first when we go out he's as shy as the man on the steamer who would rather play pedro when they make 'em all jackpots. By the time we've been in eight saloons he don't care whether the thing on the end of his line is a dog or a catfish.

"What shocking bad form!" exclaimed Primrose. "Just like cads of girls," muttered Fergus, unheard; for Thekla continued "Why, they said she must be our maiden aunt, instead of our sister." "The best thing going!" said Fergus. "Maiden aunts in books are always horrid," said Thekla. "Then the books ought to be hung, drawn, and quartered, and spifflicated besides," said Fergus.