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Anty Tabeaux, informing us of the peaceable dispositions of that nation towards the Mandans & Me ne to res & their avowed intentions of pursueing our Councils & advice, they express a wish to visit the Mandans, & Know if it will be agreeable to them to admit the Ricaras to Settle near them and join them against their common Enimey the Souis we mentioned this to the mandans, who observed they had always wished to be at peace and good neighbours with the Ricaras, and it is also the Sentiments of all the Big Bellies, & Shoe Nations

There now ensues a break in the long period of disunion which had prevailed in China, and for a time the supreme authority of the emperor recovered the general respect and vigor which by right belonged to it. The deposer of the Souis was Liyuen, who some years before had been given the title of Prince of Tang.

"Cain was damned," I cried, "and he slew but one; would you have the blood of two hundred upon your souis?" "He's mad!" said Flannigan. "Time's up. Let it off, Muller." I sprang down upon the deck. "You shan't do it!" I said. "By what right do you prevent us?" "By every right, human and divine." "It's no business of yours. Clear out of this." "Never!" said I. "Confound the fellow!

from the top of this Mound we beheld a most butifull landscape; Numerous herds of buffalow were Seen feeding in various directions, the Plain to North N. W & N E extends without interuption as far as Can be Seen From the Mound to the mouth of Stone River is S. 20° E 9 miles. to the woods near the mouth of River Jacque is West to the High land near the mouth of Souis River is S. 70 E.

Faire reproche, certes yeu voli. Non; Mais souis dos hivers prez." Or, as it may be rendered in modern French: "Or sachent bien, mes hommes, mes barons, Anglais, Normands, Poitevins, Gascons, Que je n'ai point si pauvre compagnon Que pour argent, je le laisse en prison. Faire reproche, certes, je ne le veux. Non; Mais suis deux hivers pris."