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Patsey looked at me a moment, as though half inclined to think I had suddenly taken leave of my senses, and then exclaimed, in tones of astonishment, "Dig sooap! Where'll they go to dig it, shure?" The plant is much used by the natives for cleansing clothes, and is far superior to any manufactured soap for scouring woolens.

A Feast of Mule Meat. The Mountain Cave. A Punishment. Despair. The Crack of a Rifle. Liberty. The Smoke Signal. The Spy. The Two Eyes. A Horrible Situation. Relief at last. A Dissertation on Apaches. Their Manners and Customs. A Surprise. A Desperate Adventure. Arrival at Apache Pass. "Sooap." An Attack. The Herd in Danger. We rally. The Fight. Death and Burial. Patsey in Trouble. "Shnakes."

But all that's o'er' and Moses burst into tears. 'Nay, lad forshure thaa'rt takken worse. Well, I never seed thee cry afore. Mun I ged thee a sooap o' summat hot, thinksto? or mun I run for th' doctor? and Mrs. Fletcher looked at her husband with a scared and troubled face. 'Why, lass, I've been cryin' all th' day and that's why I've bin so long away fro' thee I didn'd want to scare thee.

I had thrown myself upon my blanket, and was lazily admiring the beauties of an Arizona landscape, when Patsey approached me, and, pulling off his brimless hat, said, "Ef yer plase, sur, the byze wants to git some sooap." "What is it, Patsey?" said I. "It's the sooap, sur. Where'll the byze git the sooap ter wash wid?" "Tell them to take a spade, and go and dig some," was my reply.

Patsey beat a hurried retreat, taking refuge with Jerry, saying, the "Boss had gone as crazy as a bidbug, wid his diggin' sooap and givin' clo'es away, to be shure."