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Without the formality of a knock, Mr. Grimm entered the French teacher's room. "So this is your idea of a joke, eh?" he cried, shaking the bell under Professor Socrat's nose. "I'll report you to Dr. Mead for this. You frog-eater you!" "Sir-r-r-r!" fairly shouted Professor Socrat. "You call me a frog- eater-r-r-r-r?" "Yes, and a donkey also!" exclaimed Mr. Grimm.

"I got a note, signed with your name, asking me to call at your room at eight o'clock," said Bagot. "Hold me, some one, before I die laughing," whispered Sam to his chums. In fact they were all laughing so that only the excitement on the part of the three in Mr. Socrat's room prevented the boys from being discovered. "Let me see ze writing," said the French teacher. Adrian showed it to him.

"First to Professor Socrat's room," whispered Sam when the boys, including Will Slade, Fred Kaler and Bony Balmore were out in the corridor. "He's not going to fight a duel with Professor Garlach, is he?" asked Jack, recalling an occasion when the two teachers nearly did. "Not this time," replied Sam, "but there may be a fight in it."

Sam Chalmers had in the meanwhile gone to Professor Socrat's study. "Come on!" he cried. "Take part in the grand salute to the French flag." "La belle France!" cried the teacher. "Vive l' Republic!" "That's the cheese!" fairly shouted Sam. "Hurry up!" And, before Professor Socrat could catch his breath he found himself being hurried along the corridor and out on the campus.

"Let's hear what he says." "Ha!" exclaimed Mr. Grimm. "So this is a joke, eh, Mr. Frenchman? Well, we'll see about this!" He grasped the bell, which was a small one, by the handle, and started down the corridor, a scowl on his face, as the boys could see by a flickering gaslight, as they were hidden around the corner. "Now back to Mr. Socrat's room for the third act," said Sam. "Come on."