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Whereupon Buck came forward with his confession. "It's a couple of late cases of spring fever. You've been tied to this office all winter. So've I. We need a change. You've had too much petticoats, too much husband, too much cutting room and sales-room and rush orders and business generally. Too much Featherloom and not enough foolishness."

Stone lily, first to catch the shaft of day, And first to wake For dawns that break While lower things are steeped in gloaming grey, Over my banks of twilight look and see The breezy morn that fills my sails for thee. "Oh, you've felt like that, have you?" said I. "So've I. Your poem exactly expresses my feeling, so it must be absolutely IT."

If Jake comes, and I'm not here, and he wants to make a fuss, and spoil everything, and won't wait, you give him this petticoat. You put it in his arms. I bet you'll have the laugh on him. He's got a temper." "So've you, Jinny, dear, so've you," said the old man, laughing. "You're goin' to have your own way, same as ever same as ever."

In the foyer a couple a woman in a rose plush sortie de bal, and a blade were mysteriously talking. The blade looked at him, smiled, and left the lady. "Hallo, old fellow!" It was Buckingham Smith, who had been getting on in the world. They shook hands. "You've left Chelsea, haven't you?" "Yes," said George. "So've I. Don't see much of the old gang nowadays. Heard anything of old Princey lately?"

'Twas the custom to drink in their day; folks was colder an' lived poorer in early times, an' that's how most of 'em kept a-goin'. But what stove Eb all up was his disapp'intment with Marthy Peck her forsakin' of him an' marryin' old John Down whilst Eb was off to war. I've always laid it up ag'inst her." "So've I," said Asa Brown. "She didn't use the poor fellow right.