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"Why, that name, snakey-noodle. You see it's a kind of family name with us. Our old cook has been making them for years. I really thought she had originated it, but I suppose other colored people know it, too. Where did you have one?" "At a spread, oh, weeks and weeks ago." "But where?" insisted Molly. "I have a real curiosity to know. Was it a Southern spread?" "Far from it," said Madeleine.

"Don't mention it," exclaimed the Professor, whose appetite was greater than his official allowance of food. "I would give anything for a hot snakey-noodle with a glass of milk." "When you come back from Bermuda, I'll see that your wish is gratified," replied Molly, laughing, as she rose to go.

"It was as good as a play," cried Edith. "I never saw anything finer. Molly, you're certainly full of surprises. But what did you mean by snakey-noodles? Wasn't it beautiful?" Then Molly explained to them about the snakey-noodle box. "Of course, the rest was just wild guessing, but from the way she took it I'm pretty sure I'm right." "It was better than jiu-jitsu," said Otoyo.

And Molly the cook has contributed once more some of her justly famed cloud bursts, an indispensable exhibit in this unequaled historical collection!" Warm and breathless, Judy sat down and began to remove her borrowed plumes, while the girls, each holding aloft a snakey-noodle and a cloud burst, chanted appreciatively, "What's the matter with Julia Kean? She's all right!"