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Galton her plot of flowers, and Hogan a tall hat, a long-tailed coat and a silver-headed cane. One week after the Battle of the Sargasso, a formal dinner was given in the officers' mess. At this affair two civilians were present, Leonard Madden and Caradoc Smith-Wentworth. Under the radiance of many electric lights, Caradoc appeared rather weak and bloodless.

"It is pleasant to me to announce that His Majesty, through the Admiralty, has seen fit to reward this act by tendering Caradoc Smith-Wentworth his commission as first lieutenant in His Majesty's navy." A real outburst of applause greeted this announcement, but the captain held up his glass and raised his voice for silence. "And I have the further pleasure to tender to Mr.

Smith-Wentworth, at his Majesty, George the Fifth's, express command, the Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery upon the field of battle." "Let us drink his health!" he finished above the congratulatory uproar that broke out on the announcement. The men held their goblets at arm's length. "Here's to you, Wentworth!" "To your deserved honor, my boy!"

"I, Caradoc Smith-Wentworth, can't think of going to stand watch for a gang of siz-seasick navvies an' a t-toady American Yankee Not!" he reiterated and laughed in tipsy irony. A flush of anger went over Madden. He reached down suddenly and caught up the demijohn. "You you bet' not drink th-that, y-you little bossy Yankee; it-it'll m-make you d-drunk." "You sot!" trembled Madden.

"Smith was part of his name," explained Gridson. "Caradoc Smith-Wentworth was the way he signed the register. He's of the Sussex Smith-Wentworths. His brother took the title, you know." "Just fancy!" marveled Ponsonby. "Cashiered six months ago, comes back chasing submarines on a tug, a hero, from boot strap to helmet a bloody hero "