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The house and the furniture can't run away." "No, but they'll never be the same again." Nothing would ever be the same again; that was clear. The flowers were still gay in the Broad Walk, and the children, though a little sleepier, were still adorable; but Flossie did not turn to look at them as she passed. Would she ever look at them, at anything, with pleasure again?

The village, sleepier than ever on the morning of the half-holiday, was full of interest to them. Mrs. Hughie Wilson was sweeping her garden path, and called out to them that the church concert had netted 327 dollars; wasn't that pretty good? A few steps farther on they met Alice Clark, who kept them ten minutes in eager, unimportant conversation.

Your chances of being waked by Sambo, ten times sleepier than yourself, are scarcely one in a hundred. I had ample experience of this; and, fearing that the boat might pass if I remained at the hotel, I came to the resolve to settle my affairs in that quarter and at once transport myself and my impedimenta to the landing. I should not be entirely without shelter.

She compressed her lips. The yawn would come. "I am sleepier here than anywhere." "Ours, my Clara, is the finest air of the kingdom. It has the effect of sea-air." "But if I am always asleep here?" "We shall have to make a public exhibition of the Beauty." This dash of his liveliness defeated her.

He began to sing to it in a low voice the song of the river as it ran over the soft grass and among the flowers in the country at the back of the north wind. He sang on till the baby went sound asleep. He himself got sleepier and sleepier, though the cabman and his wife only got wider awake all the time. At length, Diamond found himself nodding.

The two peasants had left the cask, but the crowd in the corner on benches or with their bags under their heads on the wet floor were still quietly dreaming; and still came, but in ever sleepier tones, the sound of singing from the inner room.

Percival had her hammock and her group of chairs and tables; and here she spent long indolent afternoons in sleepy reading and sleepier dreaming, which was only less agreeable than the social triumphs of which she dreamed.

Harris said he didn't think George ought to do anything that would have a tendency to make him sleepier than he always was, as it might be dangerous.

The only sound was the lapping of the waves on the steel sides of the Porpoise, and now and then a splash as a big fish leaped out of the water. There was only the slightest breeze. Jack who, somehow or other, felt much sleepier than usual, caught himself nodding several times. Once he awoke with a start and realized that he had been dozing.

But presently parochial birds were wrangling underneath the dramatist's window, while he tossed and assured himself that he was sleepier than any saint who ever snored in Ephesus; and presently one hand of Moncrieff was drawing the bed-curtains, while the other carefully balanced a mug of shaving-water.