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I'm in for a good nap." "Well," said Shortlegs, "you may do as you like, but I'm a-going to keep my clothes on." Jim, however, did not heed his companion's advice; he undressed, jumped into bed, and was soon asleep. Shortlegs sat smoking his pipe for a while, then rose and commenced a survey of the room.

"Because there's a dead 'un in the wardrobe," replied Shortlegs. "A what?" asked Mr. Leigh. "A corpse," responded his companion. "Go on, don't talk such rot!" "Very well, look for yourself," said the boatswain, who again opened the door, and exposed the dead body to view. James Leigh turned pallid and almost inarticulate. He could only touch his friend on the shoulder, and utter

She chatted quite freely to the sailors about their profession and the countries they had visited, which led them to suppose that the lady was a great traveller. She, however, told them that her knowledge was derived from books. Shortlegs was mute. While the others talked he was closely scrutinizing the surroundings.

This being done, they found the plan of escape impracticable without being "nabbed," so they took the bold resolve of going out as they had come in, with their boots on. Before they had got half-way down the stairs they heard suppressed conversation. It was evident they were detected. "Use your knuckle-duster, Jim, if necessary, and charge them with murder," whispered Shortlegs.

"Now then 'Shortlegs, we must be going. I've heard that yarn fifty times." "Yes, you have; but these here ladies haven't." "Quite right," said the ladies. "And we would like you to continue telling some more of your love experiences on the Spanish Main." Jack, however, said "Well, not to-night. Jim wants to get away. I'll come some other time."

The host remarked that he was pleased to do a kindness to anybody, but especially to sailors, and then he slid out of the room. Shortlegs watched him downstairs, then closed the door. When he looked round his second officer was half undressed. He whispered to him not to undress, and that if he knew as much about bugs as he did he would need no telling. "Oh! d the bugs and everything else.