United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This he resented hotly and genuinely, for he was quite sincere; as sincere as Sheffer, in his belief in himself. But he despised Sheffer and feared Severance, not for what the latter represented, but for the cynical honesty of his attitude. In retort for Severance's stab, he dubbed the pair Mephistopheles and Falstaff, which was above his usual felicitousness of characterization.

Or, rather, that, while it remained static, the rest of the paper, under the stimulus of Severance, Capron, Sheffer, and, in the background but increasingly though subtly assertive, Marrineal, had raised its level of excitation. Change his editorials he would not.

In the spring of 1845 Rachel Andora was sealed to me the woman who has stood by me in all my troubles. A truer woman was never born. She has been to me as true as I have been to Brigham, and always tried to make my will her pleasure. I raised her in my family from five years of age. She was a sister of my first wife. Her mother, Abigail Sheffer, was sealed to me for an eternal state.

Russell Edmonds being called in, the three sat in judgment upon the Big Idea which Mr. Sheffer had brought with him and which was: "Give 'em a laugh." "The potentialities of humor as a circulation agency," opined Severance in his smoothest academic voice, "have never been properly exploited." "A laugh on every page where there ain't a thrill," pursued Sheffer confidently.

Out of conscious nothing, as represented by the now moribund News, there was provoked one evening a large, round, middle-aged, smiling, bespectacled apparition who named himself as Rudy Sheffer and invited himself to a job. Marrineal had sent him to Severance, and Severance, ever tactful, had brought him to Banneker.

With an ineffably satisfied air, Mr. Sheffer tapped his bullet head. "You must be older than you look, then. Those figures of the kids are redrawn from a last-century German humorous classic, 'Max und Moritz. I used to be crazy over it when I was a youngster. My grandfather brought it to me from Europe, and made a translation for us youngsters." "Sure! Those pictures'd make a reformer laugh.

Thus there entered into the high-tension atmosphere of the sensationalized Patriot the relaxing quality of humor. Under the ingenuous and acquisitive Sheffer, whose twins achieved immediate popularity, it developed along other lines. Children cried for them, and laughed to exhaustion over them. Not less did the mentally exhausted business man writhe abdominally over their appeal.