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Is Winnebago large enough to require settlement-work?" "Don't drive me so! I suppose they want to tone in with the cathedral as a special institution. 'Atmosphere, you know. Some tracts of our great land are rather drab and vacant, remember. Color, stir, and distinction, you understand." "Is Winnebago ritualistic?" "Not very.

She made herself unwittingly ridiculous in the eyes of Kedzie, who knew and despised her motive, not appreciating at all the consideration Charity was trying to show. "I'm sorry to bother you, Mrs. Dyckman," Charity began, "but I've got to throw myself on your mercy. A few of us are getting up a new stunt for the settlement-work fund. It is to be rather elaborate and ought to make a lot of money.

I wonder if I could get one of the department-stores to let me put in a welfare-department with a nice rest-room and chintzes and wicker chairs and so on and so forth. Or I could " "Now you look here! The first thing you got to understand is that all this uplift and flipflop and settlement-work and recreation is nothing in God's world but the entering wedge for socialism.

I could only feel for her a profound pity." "'Pity is akin to love," Elizabeth quoted gaily. "Mother, keep an eye on your little son. He'll be going in for settlement-work in Port Agnew first thing we know." "Hush, Elizabeth!" her mother cried sharply. She was highly scandalized at such levity. The Laird salted and peppered his food and said nothing.

It was Zora's centre for her settlement-work. There she lived, and with her a half-dozen orphan girls and children too young for the boarding department of the school. Mrs. Cresswell easily fell into the habit of walking by here each day, coming down the avenue of oaks across the road and into the swamp. She saw little of Zora personally but she saw her girls and learned much of her plans.

Vanderpool held the dark girl close and began craftily: "You see, Zora, the more you know the more you can do." "Yes." "And if you are determined I will see that you are taught. You must know settlement-work and reform movements; not simply here but " she hesitated "in England in France." "Will it take long?" Zora asked, smoothing the lady's hair. Mrs. Vanderpool considered.