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I have been requested to tell my story in my own langwidge, though, being no schollard, mind cannot conceive. I think my master is a brute. Do not know that he has ever attempted to poison my missus, which is too good for him, and how she ever came to marry him, heart only can tell, but believe him to be capable of any such hatrosity.

Dale said, almost sternly, "Your parents are old, your father infirm; their least wish should be as binding to you as their command," the widow bowed her head, and said, "God bless them, sir, I was very sinful 'Honour your father and mother. I'm no schollard, but I know the Commandments. Let Lenny go. But he'll soon forget me, and mayhap he'll learn to be ashamed of me."

Ah! this is a brave day's work for me thirteen blessed shillings!" "Ten, you mean, Mrs. Kebby!" "Oh, no, sir," cried Mrs. Kebby obsequiously, "the lady gave me ten, bless her heart, but you've quite forgot your three." "I said two." "Ah! so you did, sir. I'm a poor schollard at 'rithmetic." "You're clever enough to get money out of people," said Diana, who was disgusted at the avarice of the hag.

You sees, your honour, the Corporal's got a tarn for conversation-like he be a mighty fine talker surely! but he be shy of the pen 'tis not every man what talks biggest what's the best schollard at bottom.

As I said before, I'm no schollard." "But Leonard is, and he will read it to you." When Leonard returned home that evening, Mrs. Fairfield showed him the letter. It ran thus: DEAR JANE, Mr. Dale will tell you that we wish Leonard to come to us. We are glad to hear you are well. We forward, by Mr. Dale, a bank-note for L50, which comes from Richard, your brother.

"That's not exactly what the schoolmistress would have said. You don't read nor write, Mrs. Fairfield; yet you express yourself with great propriety." "You know Mark was a schollard, sir, like my poor, poor sister; and though I was a sad stupid girl afore I married, I tried to take after him when we came together."