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"That always makes him buck. It is a wonder he didn't tramp you when you were down." "Holy schmoke!" cried Hans. "Vot a nose I vill haf! Me for the walks to Peeging!" "I guess you'll have to give up going with us" laughed Ned. "You may remain with the consul until we return. And help him hunt Frank and Jack, will you?"

These are outside my instructions. Trifles, perhaps. Officially they are to be ignored. Laties come and go I am a man of ze worldt. I haf known wise men wear sandals and efen practice vegetarian habits. I haf known men or at any rate, I haf known chemists who did not schmoke. You haf, no doubt, put ze laty down somewhere. Well. Let us get to business.

"He wears a mustache guard. I offered him a cigar. He saluted: 'Thank you, he said. 'Nevare I schmoke." "They are the pets of the expedition," Grafton went on, "they and that war-like group of correspondents over there. They'll go down on the flag-ship, while we nobodies will herd together on one boat. But we'll all be on the same footing when we get there."

"Tam schmoke pox!" and at every ejaculation bestowing a vigorous kick. At a reasonably safe distance in his rear was the Chaplain, in half undress also, remonstrating as coolly as possible, considering that the stove was his property. The Doctor did not refrain, however, until its badly battered fragments lay at intervals upon the ground. "Efry morn, and efry morn, schmoke shust as the Tuyfel.