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"On one side of the man's forehead there was a raw and staring wound, as if from a recent and terrible blow. "'Faith, then, I'll be going, but it's taking you wid me I will be. "'And where will you take me? "'Why, then, to Ryan's Castle, little Sas.

He was indefatigable night and day in getting his boats together and providing his munitions of war. He dug a canal from Sas de Gand which was one of his principal depots all the way to Sluys, because the water-communication between those two points was entirely in the hands of the Hollanders and Zeelanders.

Above all, Shock and Awe are imposed instantly and the mechanism or target is deprivation of the senses. The shortcomings of the SAS approach mirror in part shortcomings of other approaches. Technological solutions are crucial but may not be conceivable outside the EMP effects of nuclear weapons. Intelligence is clearly vital.

‘You do not speak the language very correctly,’ said I; ‘it is not Sas you should call me’tis Sassannach,’ and forthwith I accompanied the word with a speech full of flowers of Irish rhetoric.

He collected accordingly seven or eight hundred Walloon veterans, at his disposal in Flanders, in the little port of Sas de Ghent, prepared at once to execute his intention, "worthy," says a Catholic writer, "of his well-known courage and magnanimity." The Duchess expressed gratitude for the Count's devotion and loyalty, but his services in the sequel proved unnecessary.

There were so many of these war-vessels, and all in such excellent order, that they were a most notable embarrassment to him, he observed, and his own flotilla would run great risk of being utterly destroyed. Alexander had been personally superintending matters at Sluys, Ghent, and Antwerp, and had strengthened with artillery the canal which he had constructed between Sas and Sluys.

On one side of the man's forehead there was a raw and staring wound, as if from a recent and terrible blow. 'Faith, then I'll be going, but it's taking you wid me I will be. 'And where will you take me? 'Why, then, to Ryan's Castle, little Sas.

For the men had to be returned to their original positions, such as remained available, as soon as possible. This composite body of troops has been called Geddes's Detachment. The Germans had captured Lizerne and Het Sas, and Steenstraate was threatened by them.