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Peter's Chair. Say of him that he was ambitious, worldly, greedy of power, and a prey to carnal lusts. All these he was. But for very sanity's sake do not let it be said that he was wanting either in energy or in will, for he was energy and will incarnate.

"God!" he said, and started back in the doorway. "Have you got it, Smith?" I demanded hoarsely. "In sanity's name what is it what is it?" "Come downstairs," replied Smith quietly, "and see for yourself." He turned his head aside from the bed. Very unsteadily I followed him down the stairs and through the rambling old house out into the stone-paved courtyard.

If it be true that all of which man is conscious is just a portion of a curtain, and that the actual universe in nothing resembles our notion of it, I am willing to believe this curtain was placed there for some righteous and wise reason. They tell me the curtain may be lifted. Whether this be true or no, I must for my own sanity's sake insist it can never be lifted."

"God!" he said, and started back in the doorway. "Have you got it, Smith?" I demanded hoarsely. "In sanity's name what is it what is it?" "Come downstairs," replied Smith quietly, "and see for yourself." He turned his head aside from the bed. Very unsteadily I followed him down the stairs and through the rambling old house out into the stone-paved courtyard.

In Hawthorne's romance, after Miles Coverdale had passed his spring and summer among the Utopians of Blithedale, he felt that the time had come when he must for sheer sanity's sake go and hold a little talk with the Conservatives, the merchants, the politicians, 'and all those respectable old blockheads, who still in this intangibility and mistiness of affairs kept a death-grip on one or two ideas which had not come into vogue since yesterday morning. 'No sagacious man, says Hawthorne, 'will long retain his sagacity if he lives exclusively among reformers and progressive people, without periodically returning into the settled system of things, to correct himself by a new observation from that old stand-point. Yet good men rightly hoped that 'out of the very thoughts that were wildest and most destructive might grow a wisdom, holy, calm, and pure, and that should incarnate itself with the substance of a noble and happy life. Now that we are able to look back on the crisis of the times that Hawthorne describes, we perceive that it was as he expected, and that in the person of Emerson the ferment and dissolvency of thought worked itself out in a strain of wisdom of the highest and purest.

Does it' he threw up his head as if towards the house above them 'does it REEK with him? Lawford shook his head. 'She hasn't seen him: not not apart. I haven't told her. Mr Bethany tossed the hugger-mugger of pamphlets across the table. 'Then, for simple sanity's sake, don't. Hide it; burn it; put the thing completely out of your mind. A friend! Who, where is this wonderful friend?