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Sir Lucius lighted a cigar, and handed his case to Nevill. "Been out of town this summer?" he asked. "The usual thing, that's all an occasional run down to Brighton, a month at country houses, and a week's shooting on the Earl of Runnymede's Scotch moor." "London agrees with you. I believe you are a little stouter." "And you are looking half a dozen years younger, my dear uncle. How is the liver?"

And as for Charles the First, he vowed that he would chop off that monarch's head with his own right hand were he then in the room at the Union Debating Club, and had Cromwell no other executioner for the traitor. He and Lord Magnus Charters, the Marquis of Runnymede's son, before-mentioned, were the most truculent republicans of their day.

Foker knows the very best young men now at the University," the Major said, "and Pen will form acquaintances there who will be of the greatest advantage through life to him. The young Marquis of Plinlimmon is there, eldest son of the Duke of Saint David's Lord Magnus Charters is there, Lord Runnymede's son, and a first cousin of Mr. Helen sighed, she supposed the Major knew best. Mr.

Marrow-bones! don't I know that there must be some reason why that headstrong girl won't think of my Lord Runnymede's son and heir, and such a looking youth, title and all, as my Lord Roadster! And you are the cause, sir; and I thank you for opening my eyes to it, as you did by your information to Mrs. Panton yesterday, in my absence."

"You must forgive me, Aminta," wrote this young person, "if I have not sent the description I promised of Madame Lulu's new creations and others of that ilk. I must a tale unfold; Tom came in yesterday and began to rave about the Honorable Mrs. Scudamore Runnymede's last novel, A Bad Un to Beat.

'It is very pretty, but it was a nicer Christmas-tree last year at Lady Runnymede's, said Louisa, with the air of a critic. 'There we had coloured lamps. 'Little fastidious puss! said Louis, 'I thought you keeping in the background out of politeness; but I see you are only blasee with Christmas-trees. I pity you!