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Another year seems to have been devoted with equal art and success to resuscitating a native Leinster party favourable to his restoration. For it is evident from our Annals that when Dermid showed himself to the people after his return, it was simply to claim his patrimony Hy-Kinsellagh and not to dispute the Kingdom of Leinster with the actual ruler, Murrogh na Gael.

In resuscitating old neglected apple-trees, rigorous pruning may be combined with plowing and manuring of the ground.

Not until a flight of three thousand years has left Thebes the Hekatompylos a dusky speck in the far distance, have we even begun to read her annals, or to understand her revolutions. Another instance we have now before us of this new historic faculty for resuscitating the buried, and for calling back the breath to the frozen features of death, in Mr.

With her assistance, Heideck carried the fainting woman to a couch, and perceiving one of the little green flasks of lavender water, which are never wanting in an English house, on the table, he employed the strong perfume as well as he was able, whilst the Indian maid rubbed the soles of her young mistress' feet, and adopted divers other methods, well known among the natives, of resuscitating her.

It was as if Augustus were again rising from the tomb, once more master of the world, with a Sacred College of Cardinals resuscitating the Roman Senate.

McWriggler, whose superior he was both morally and intellectually. After a while he succeeded in resuscitating Harry. The latter opened his eyes, and as he did so they fell upon the doctor. "Where am I, mother?" he enquired. "What is the matter? What is the doctor doing here?" "Never mind now, Harry dear," she said; "you have been hurt, and if you are very quiet we will tell you after a while."

The channels of her own and her husband's house were drying on all sides; the house wanted resuscitating. There was promise that the girl would bear children of strong blood.

The following small Piece is perhaps the one, if there be one, still worth resuscitating from the Inane Kingdoms. "BERLIN, 18th SEPTEMBER, 1752. This is the exact truth, in reply to your inquiry.

Kendal fell into one of their discussions, and paced up and down the shady walk, while Albinia sat, in the complete contentment, between Alice and Winifred, with Fred Ferrars on the turf at their feet, living over again the bygone days, laughing over ancient jokes, resuscitating past scrapes, tracing the lot of old companions, or telling mischievous anecdotes of each other, for the very purpose of being contradicted.

However, when she perceived him thus resuscitating and calling her with arms outstretched, she in her turn arose and standing beside the bed made answer: "I am coming, my Dario, here I am."