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But Eliphalet, he had scarcely time to think this out when he heard both sounds again, not one after another, but both together, and something told him some sort of an instinct he had that those two ghosts didn't agree, didn't get on together, didn't exactly hit it off; in fact, that they were quarreling." "Quarreling ghosts! Well, I never!" was Baby Van Rensselaer's remark.

They comprised the first detachment of 850 regulars and 300 militia, the advance attacking party "the flower of Wadsworth's army" embarked to "carry the Heights of Queenston and appal the minds of Canadians." Let us trace the fulfilling of Van Rensselaer's boast.

The English thus baffled, again took their sloop and sailed down the bay, to a point between Rensselaer's Hook and Sandy Hook, where they were about to renew their endeavors when Ensign Crygier again overtook them. "You are traitors," he exclaimed. "You are acting against the government to which you have taken the oath of fidelity."

But Eliphalet, he had scarcely time to think this out when he heard both sounds again, not one after another, but both together, and something told him some sort of an instinct he had that those two ghosts didn't agree, didn't get on together, didn't exactly hit it off; in fact, that they were quarreling." "Quarreling ghosts! Well, I never!" was Baby Van Rensselaer's remark.

Jacobs, Brant's powerful follower, wrenched Scott's sword away, hatchets were drawn, and had not a British grenadier sergeant rushed forward, Winfield Scott would have fared badly. General Van Rensselaer's defeat was complete and disastrous. His chagrin at his failure "to appal the minds of the Canadians" was so great that ten days later he resigned his command.

Dear Jones interrupted the story-teller by getting up and tucking a heavy rug snugly around Baby Van Rensselaer's feet, for the sky was now overcast and gray and the air was damp and penetrating. "One fine spring morning," pursued Uncle Larry, "Eliphalet Duncan received great news.

Yet while he worked in chains his preparedness was a source of wonder to those behind the scenes. Even no less a critic than John Lovett, General Van Rensselaer's military secretary, was impressed with what he saw through his field-glasses from Lewiston heights.

"You don't mean to say that they knew any just cause or impediment why they should not forever after hold their peace?" asked Dear Jones. "How could a ghost, or even two ghosts, keep a girl from marrying the man she loved?" This was Baby Van Rensselaer's question. "It seems curious, doesn't it?" and Uncle Larry tried to warm himself by two or three sharp pulls at his fiery little cigar.

In August, having had no letter from Katrine or his mother for over a month, he accepted Nick van Rensselaer's invitation to Waring-on-the-Sea, with no knowledge whatever as to the other members of the party.

During dinner Ireland was easily triumphant, for while Katrine sat at Nicholas van Rensselaer's right, Dermott had been placed on her other side, and Frank, sitting by deaf old Mrs. van Rensselaer, had abundant time to mark McDermott's gift for society.