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The sharp click of a switch on the control-board sounded as the imams picked up the little, red-dripping bundles. Silently they threw these into the air and all three dropped back to earth again, just as they had risen. A growl burst, involuntarily, from the Olema's corded throat. The growl echoed through the massed horsemen.

"Ellis!" cried Frank "you hurt?" Ned swung the disabled and red-dripping member up to view, with a sorry smile. "Not so bad as might be!" he said, with a rather faint show of gayety. "Jack has got it worse." "Jack who?" for there were several Jacks in the company. "Winch," said Ellis, whilst the old drummer was binding up his hand to stop the blood.

There were howls of pain as the spreading beam cut a burning swath through the packed Mercutians. Thereafter no more tubes were raised. The quarters were too close. It was to be hand-to-hand fighting; thousands of giant Mercutians against a handful of puny Earthmen. Hilary swung his red-dripping ax in ever-widening circles. At every swing a Mercutian tumbled.

We did not feel the icy air, the swirl of fine snowflakes that came driving into the room, for in the doorway stood Baptiste, his honest face almost unrecognizable with hot passion, and in each hand he thrust out a ghastly, gory, red-dripping thing of hair and flesh. They were human scalps, and we knew at once from whose heads they had been torn. "Nom de Dieu!" cried the priest.

In vain Bashti looked about for one egg, the six months' hunger stronger than ever upon him in the thick of the disaster. And Jerry, under the consent and encouragement of Agno, wagged his tail to Bashti in a bid for recognition, of prowess, and laughed with his red-dripping jowls and yellow plastered eyes. Bashti did not rage as he would have done had he been alone.