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Some of these cattle are never seen from the time they are branded till they are mustered, every two or three years apparently. They stray away hundreds of miles probably a thousand who is to know? Possibly they are sold. It was admitted by the prosecutor that he had sold 10,000 head of cattle during the last six years, and none had been rebranded to his knowledge.

By God, you're the only white man in the valley! I came in to give myself up, Jude. The cold got me. I shot him, after he'd rebranded the bull before my eyes and after he'd given me this." He ripped open his mackinaw and shirt and tore a rag from his shoulder, disclosing a vivid wound. "I ain't the only one that's quick on the trigger!" There was a quick murmur among the riders.

He walked over to his bunk and took from underneath it three partly dried skins which he spread flesh side uppermost on the floor. To their experienced eyes it was plainly evident that the animals had been rebranded, the differently healed scars showing very plainly that the brands were originally C afterwards altered to O-O.

"It seems that Scott has an old red bull that Nelson says is one of his, rebranded." "But I thought," began Judith; then she caught Charleton's sardonic eye and subsided. "What did you think, Judith?" asked Peter. "Nothing. Go on with your story." "There is no story to it.

Hollis was forced to admit that they had not. Watkins smiled sarcastically. "I reckon you're runnin' a little bit wild," he remarked. "Some of your stock has been rebranded an' you're chargin' a certain man with doin' it only you didn't see him doin' it." He turned to Greasy. "What you got to say about this, Greasy?" he demanded. Greasy grinned blandly at Hollis.