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At least, the operation promised to be comfortable. 'Where is the whip? Rashîd cried, suddenly, turning upon me in the gateway of the khan where we had just arrived. 'Merciful Allah! It is not with me. I must have left it in the carriage. Rashîd threw down the saddlebags, our customary luggage, which he had been carrying, and started running for his life.

Rashîd, pursuing in vain attempts to calm the holy warrior, had seen him taken into custody still flourishing the ladle; but could tell me nothing of his after fate, having at that point deemed it prudent to retire, lest he, too, might be put in prison by mistake. It was sad.

I have proved that to be like all the rest of Rashid Pasha's reports utterly false."

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the accursed, who had called himself Rashid al-Din, returned from travel, his household informed him that Zumurrud was missing and with her a pair of saddle-bags full of money; on hearing which ill tidings he rent his raiment and buffeted his face and plucked out his beard.

'Better return! muttered Rashîd, with chattering teeth. 'Give me a match! I said distractedly. 'My box is empty. 'Better return! he pleaded. 'A match, do you hear? I cried, made cross by terror. He gave the match, and I believe I shouted as I struck it. For a brief space it made a dazzle in my eyes, preventing me from seeing anything, and then went out.

The Egyptian Governor of that town, Rashid Bey, a man of more enterprise and even less military knowledge than is usual in his race, determined to make all attempt to seize the rebel and disperse his following. Taking no precautions, he fell on the 9th of December into an ambush, was attacked unprepared, and was himself, with fourteen hundred men, slaughtered by the ill-armed but valiant Arabs.

'And if the buyer will not pay the price, though much reduced, the merchant often will present the object to him, as happened to your Honour in Aleppo only the other day, put in Rashîd. 'That was only a device to shame me into buying it. 'No, by your Honour's leave! 'Rashîd may well be right, said Suleymân, 'although I cannot judge of the peculiar instance since I was not present.

"Ah now, the Egyptian servant?" Inspector Kerry moved his shoulders restlessly. "Rashid is his name. Many of the people in the neighborhood knew him by sight, and at five o'clock this morning one of my assistants had the good luck to find out, from an Arab coffee-house keeper named Abdulla, where Rashid lived. He paid a visit to the place it's off the West India Dock Road half an hour later.

'At last the stranger wearied of the work of stripping off the mulberry leaves and carrying them up the staircase to the tethered sheep. He found his thirst increased by such exertions. 'Did he in truth do that, with no one looking? said Rashîd. 'He must have been as big a fool as all the others. 'He was, but in a different way, said Suleymân.

The village where the property was situated was a long day's journey from our own. A fortnight after my discussion with the owner Suleymân and I set out on our way thither, having sent Rashîd ahead of us to find a decent lodging, since it was our intention to remain there several days.