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She doesn't like all the love-makin' to be over in the courtin' days, as if it was only a bit of fishin' to ketch her. Tho' of course I'd tell him to leave me alone, that I couldn't bear him maulin' me; but women has to be that way, it bein' rared into them to pretend they don't like what they do.

I've rared a family and managed me business better than a man could; and what's there been all along to prevent a woman from stroking out a name on a paper I never could see. And it never seems to me much difference which name was struck out, for they're mostly a lot of impostors that only think of featherin' their own nests.

And as for canned and dried fruit, I don't spoze there wuz a teacupful left in the hull State. Why, jest think of the dried prunes it must have took to make that horse that wuz rared up there seven feet from the floor! And wuzn't that horse a sight to see? jest as nateral as though he wuz made of flesh instead of fruit.

"WHAT?" This was the trio in chorus. Then Captain Eri said: "Mr. Hazeltine, now, honest and true, is that a fact?" "Of course it's a fact." The Captain wiped his forehead. "Mr. Hazeltine," he said, "if anybody had told me a fortn't ago that I was one of the three biggest fools in Orham, I'd have prob'ly rared up some. As 'tis now, I cal'late I'd thank him for lettin' me off so easy.

W'en I'm gone" the austere old face softened "I wouldn't like to think of her I've spent so much money on, an' rared with me own hand, as I did her an' her mother before her, growin' old an' sour an' lonely, or bein' a slave to some worthless crawler." The old voice grew perilously soft, and saved itself from a break by a swift crescendo.

A woman that's rared a family, and two of them like I have done, has enough with her own dissensions." It was rather a sullen party at tea that evening, so Dawn's return from Sydney immediately after, with her cheeks radiant from travel in the quick evening express, and herself brimming over with her day's adventures, formed a welcome relief. "I had a great time coming home," said she.