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And candour must allow that, if not elegant, it is appropriate; it gives a just idea of the manners and way of life of the place, for every thing at Rantipole is rantipole. But I am really concerned, my lord, you should have ridden yourself down in this way for nothing. Why did not you get better intelligence before you set out? I am afraid you feel the loss of Champfort.

This rantipole colony, founded by Lord Baltimore, a British nobleman, was managed by his agent, a swaggering Englishman, commonly called Fendall, that is to say, "offend all," a name given him for his bullying propensities.

"Quite down? Then we may conclude that my friend Mrs. Luttridge is not yet come to Rantipole. Rantipole, my dear," continued Lady Delacour, turning to Miss Portman, "is the name of Harriot Freke's villa in Kent. However strange it may sound to your ears and mine, I can assure you the name has made fortune amongst a certain description of wits.

This rantipole hero had for some time singled out the blooming Katrina for the object of his uncouth gallantries, and though his amorous toyings were something like the gentle caresses and endearments of a bear, yet it was whispered that she did not altogether discourage his hopes.

The rantipole friends of liberty, who go about freeing nations with the same success which Don Quixote had in redressing wrongs, have, of course, blundered everything which they touched. The Impeys left us to-day, and Captain Hugh Scott and his lady arrived. Task is bang-up. September 9. I begin to fear Nap. will swell to seven volumes.

But he smiled approval when I asked for the Freeman's Journal also, in which I found a report of a speech delivered yesterday by Mr. Davitt at Rathkeale, chiefly remarkable for a sensible protest against the ridiculous and rantipole abuse lavished upon Mr. Balfour by the Nationalist orators and newspapers. I am not surprised to see this. Mr.

"Hymns, ballets, or rantipole rubbish; the Rogue's March or the cherubim's warble 'tis all the same to me if 'tis good harmony, and well put out." "Well heh, heh it may be we can do that, and not a man among us that have sat in the gallery less than twenty year," said the leader of the band.

"Robbed, sir!" exclaimed Mrs. Kelly; "no, sir no one was ever robbed in my house my house is respectable and responsible, sir a vartuous house none o' your rantipole places, sir, I'd have you to know, but decent and well behaved, and the house was as quiet as a lamb all night." "Certainly, Mrs. Kelly," said Murphy "not a more respectable house in Ireland I'll vouch for that."