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There's some real fast quilters in the Aid. Wait, till I get my apples to pare. I promised Mark I'd have apple sauce for lunch!" A quick glance went from eye to eye and a look of relief settled down on the little company. She expected Mark home for lunch then!

One form of merry-making which was in high favor among the women of that day was the quilting-bee. These quilters of the long ago must have been accomplished needlewomen, as evidenced by the heirlooms in "diamond," "rose," "basket," and other quaint designs which have descended to us from our great-grandmothers.

Macnair ought to take cognizance of it officially?" asked Miss Atkins. "I do." "But he and Mrs. Coombe are such friends!" objected the younger Miss Sinclair, who was a kindly creature. An electric silence fell upon the quilters. Every one looked toward the president. "I cannot allow such insinuations to be made at this meeting," said the President firmly.

I am going to quilt my 'Young Man's Ramble' this winter, and mother's said I might ask in two or three of the best quilters I know Betty quilts so beautifully!" The "Young Man's Ramble" was patchwork of a most intricate design, in which it seemed that one might ramble about fruitlessly. "I am glad there is some way of your getting even," said the mother with a little pride.

Back and forth they stretched the cord and "snapped" the line, until the quilt was marked in a checkerboard pattern of white lines, which the quilters would follow with their neat stitches. "I believe I'll have a quilting bee to-morrow," said Aunt Prissy. "When you and Donald start out you can go down and ask the minister's wife, and be sure and say that we shall expect Mr. Fairbanks to tea.