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FRA MAURO. A large enclosure of irregular shape, at least 50 miles from side to side, abutting on Parry and Bonpland. In addition to the cleft which crosses it, the floor is traversed by a great number of ridges, and includes at least seven craters. THEBIT. A fine ring-plain, 32 miles in diameter, on the mountainous W. margin of the Mare Nubium, N.E. of Purbach.

It would also be a pleasant task to investigate the properties of the gnomon of the Chinese, Egyptians, and Peruvians, the scarphie of Eratosthenes, the astrolabe of Hipparchus, the parallactic rules of Ptolemy, Regimontanus Purbach, and Walther, the sextants and quadrants of Tycho Brahe, and the modifications of these various instruments, the invention and use of which, from century to century, bringing us at last to the telescopic age, or the days of Lippershay, Jannsen, and Galileo.

Then leaving Pitatus to the right, on the 30th degree, it went along the south of the Sea of Clouds, of which it had already approached the north. Different amphitheatres appeared confusedly under the white light of the full moon Bouillaud, Purbach, almost square with a central crater, then Arzachel, whose interior mountain shone with indefinable brilliancy.

Purbach and Mullerus, in the fifteenth century, contributed most to the advancement of astronomy in their day.

REGIOMONTANUS. A still more irregular walled-plain, of about the same area, closely associated with the S. flank of Purbach, having a rampart of a similar complex type, traversed by passes, longitudinal valleys, and other depressions. Schmidt alone shows the especially fine example of a crater-row, which is not a difficult object, in connection with the S.E. wall.

It is supposed that these vast plains are strewn with blocks of lava from the neighboring volcanoes on its right, Ptolemy, Purbach, Arzachel. But the projectile was advancing, and sensibly nearing it. Soon there appeared the heights which bound this sea at this northern limit. Before them rose a mountain radiant with beauty, the top of which seemed lost in an eruption of solar rays.

He noted, however, that the errors at the apses were now smaller than with a central circular orbit, and of the opposite sign, so he determined to try whether an oval orbit would fit better, following a suggestion made by Purbach in the case of Mercury, whose orbit is even more eccentric than that of Mars, though observations were too scanty to form the foundation of any theory.

In the "sea" itself, over which they now floated, they could see very little, but far to the left, on the 20th parallel, they could discern the vast crater of Bullialdus, 9,000 feet deep. On the right, they had just caught a glimpse of Purbach, a depressed valley almost square in shape with a round crater in the centre, when Ardan suddenly cried out: "A Railroad!"

Purbach is sixty miles broad, and south of that comes a wonderful region where the ring mountains Hell, Ball, Lexell, and others, more or less connected with walls, inclose an area even larger than Ptolemæus, but which, not being so distinctly bordered as some of the other inclosed plains, bears no distinctive name.

It much resembles Purbach in shape, but has lower walls. Schmidt shows a crater on the N. side of the floor, which I have seen, and a number of parallel ridges which have not been noted, probably because they are only visible under very oblique light.