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His plough-point hits the stones, and his plough-handles knock him in the ribs and lay him out.

Hook him onto a plough and he sure can make the ole plough smoke." Annersley shook his head. "That's a mite too fast for me, son. I'd hate to have to stop at the end of every furrow and pour water on that there plough-point to keep her cool." "'Course if you're lookin' for a cheap hoss," said Young Pete, nothing abashed, "why, we got 'em. But I was showin' you the best in the string."

The vagaries of these "lands" that the absent-minded Nehemiah laid off attracted some attention. "What ails yer furrows ter run so crooked, Nehemiah?" observed a passer-by, a neighbor who had been to the blacksmith-shop to get his plough-point sharpened; he looked over the fence critically. "Yer eyesight mus' be failin' some." "I dun'no'," rejoined Nehemiah, hastily.

But the utter absurdity of this theory may be demonstrated by any one inside of two years, by placing hickory nuts, in different soils, at a depth to which an ordinary plough-point would reach in cultivation; and then, at the end of the second year, examining those that did not germinate the first year.

As a further protection against evily disposed spirits, especially Ibwa, an iron plough-point is placed over the grave, "for most evil spirits fear iron;" and during this night and the nine succeeding, a fire is kept burning at the grave and at the foot of the house-ladder.