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This Atrius Umber might be called 'that pleonasm of darkness; and one might say to him, in the words of Othello, 'What needs this iteration? To serve under the Gloomy was enough to darken the spirit of hope; but to serve under the Black Gloomy was really rushing upon destruction.

Some of their descendants remained behind in the fastnesses of the Alleghanies, the Blue Ridge, and the Unakas, and became, in turn, the progenitors of that singular race which, by an absurd pleonasm, is now commonly known as the "mountain whites," but properly southern highlanders. The first generation of Pennsylvania frontiersmen knew no laws but those of their own making.

Wit and humour, wherever found, never failed to please Burton, and a remark which he heard in a Brazilian police court and uttered by the presiding magistrate, who, was one of his friends, particularly tickled him: "Who is this man?" demanded the magistrate, in reference to a dissipated-looking prisoner. "A drunken Englishman," followed the magistrate, "What a pleonasm!"

To have the battle fairly fought out, Spinoza, or a Bhuddist, or a Burmese Gymnosoph, should be challenged. Then, I am deeply persuaded, would the truth appear in full evidence, that no Christ, no God, and, conversely, if the Father, then the Son. I can never too often repeat, that revealed religion is a pleonasm. Religion is revelation, and revelation the only religion. Ib. p. 37.

Oh, I know I've used it myself, but all of a sudden, to-day, it it sounded so ordinary." "For a hundred-dollar-a-month school-teacher that your papa has to pay taxes to support, I'm not afraid of my p's and q's." "And, mamma," suddenly and acutely sensitive to pleonasm, "you begin every sentence with 'say' and you say 'certainly' so often."

Offutt, for he soon bought Cameron's mill at the historic dam, and made Abraham superintendent also of that branch of the business. It is to be surmised that Offutt never inspired his neighbors and customers with any deep regard for his solidity of character. One of them says of him with injurious pleonasm, that he "talked too much with his mouth."

Barbauld, 'that pleonasm of nakedness' the idea of nakedness being reduplicated and reverberated in the bare and the bald.

Barbauld, 'that pleonasm of nakedness' the idea of nakedness being reduplicated and reverberated in the bare and the bald.

Individuality as a factor to be respected in education has a double meaning. In the first place, one is mentally an individual only as he has his own purpose and problem, and does his own thinking. The phrase "think for one's self" is a pleonasm. Unless one does it for one's self, it isn't thinking.

The accusatives Brutum etc. are not the objects of recorder but the subjects of infinitives to be supplied from profectas. DUOS DECIOS: see n. on 43. CURSUM EQUORUM: the word equos would have been sufficient; but this kind of pleonasm is common in Latin; see n. on Lael. 30 causae diligendi. ATILIUS: i.e. Regulus, whose story is too well known to need recounting.