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But at sight of my respectful form standing with bent head in the doorway, she hurriedly thrust the letter into a book and took up the placque. As she did so I marked her well and almost started at the change I observed in her since that evening at the Academy.

"I don't need anything more of this kind," said she languidly; "besides," and she set it down with a fretful air, "I am in no mood to buy this afternoon." Then shortly, "What do you ask for it?" I named a fabulous price. She started and cast me a keen glance. "You had better take it to some one else; I have no money to throw away." With a hesitating hand I lifted the placque towards the basket.

He was visited unexpectedly at his office one day by a group of friends. With much ceremony, they presented him with a placque an amusing plaster burlesque of the real article. He had the Californian sense of humor and he thoroughly enjoyed the situation. Admitting that the joke was on him, he celebrated according to time-honored rites.

"I sell to anyone I can," replied I; "and as he has an artist's eye for such things " Her brows knitted and she turned away. "I do not want it;" said she, "sell it to whom you please." I took up the placque and left the room. When a few days from that I made my appearance before Mr. Gryce, it was to find him looking somewhat sober. "Those Schoenmakers," said he, "are making a deal of trouble.