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Granius Petronius was taken by Scipio in Africa: Scipio having put the rest to death, sent him word that he gave him his life, for he was a man of quality and quaestor, to whom Petronius sent answer back, that Caesar's soldiers were wont to give others their life, and not to receive it; and immediately with his own hand killed himself.

His body had retained its former powerful outlines, as if created for armor; but above the body of a legionary was seen the head of a Grecian god, or at least of a refined patrician, at once subtle and splendid. Petronius, in saying that none of the ladies of Cæsar's court would be able or willing to resist Vinicius, spoke like a man of experience.

"As the sea and I was drowned in them, as in the sea. Believe me that the archipelago is less blue. After a while a little son of Plautius ran up with a question. But I did not understand what he wanted." "O Athene!" exclaimed Petronius, "remove from the eyes of this youth the bandage with which Eros has bound them; if not, he will break his head against the columns of Venus's temple.

The Roman drama had now degenerated into mere vaudeville, mostly lascivious dancing. Senators and their children were forbidden to marry any woman who had herself or whose father or mother had been on the stage. Martial, ii, 17, 1. Petronius, Sat., 45: Titus noster ... habet et mulierem essedariam.

"SHE believes in God who is one, all-powerful, and just," said Petronius, when he found himself again in the litter with Vinicius. "If her God is all-powerful, He controls life and death; and if He is just, He sends death justly. Why, then, does Pomponia wear mourning for Julius? In mourning for Julius she blames her God.

But before they had reached it in the darkness, the voice of Nazarius was heard, full of pain, "Lord, they took her with Ursus to the Esquiline prison. We are carrying another body! They removed her before midnight." Petronius, when he had returned home, was gloomy as a storm, and did not even try to console Vinicius.

He gave command to bring him a slave's mantle, and they passed out. Petronius sighed deeply. "I wished her to die of that fever," thought he, "since that would have been less terrible for Vinicius. But now I am ready to offer a golden tripod to Esculapius for her health. Ah!

"Thou alone of all thought of this, thou alone, O Petronius! thou alone!" Tigellinus grew yellow from envy; but Petronius continued, "Go to Antium! there she came to the world, there joy flowed in on thee, there solace will come to thee. Let the sea air freshen thy divine throat; let thy breast breathe the salt dampness.

"I would fain put a stop to it all," Petronius said. "Upon what terms, think you, would your countrymen surrender?" "They will not surrender at all," Beric said; "there is not a man there but will die rather than yield.

The face of Tigellinus was radiant with delight. But Vinicius grew pale, thinking that Petronius, who thus far had never been drunk, was drunk this time. Nero, however, inquired in a honeyed voice, in which more or less deeply wounded vanity was quivering, "What defect dost thou find in them?"