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From the time that Clara had thrown aside her veil and began to speak to him he had stood staring and staring his consternation growing and growing until it had seemed to have turned him into stone from which state of petrefaction he did not recover until he saw the stage coach roll rapidly away, carrying off whom? Capitola, Clara or the evil one? Wool could not have told which!

Both the silent and solitary systems were condemned by her as being particularly liable to abuse. She considered the silent system cruel, and especially adapted to harden the heart of a criminal even to moral petrefaction. But the strongest protest was made against solitary confinement. Upon every available opportunity she spoke against it to those who were in power.

I know it was the fourth wollume, that the bookseller read it to me out of. Look for it, Wegg. Silas took the book and turned the leaves. 'Remarkable petrefaction, sir? 'No, that's not it, said Mr Boffin. 'It can't have been a petrefaction. 'Memoirs of General John Reid, commonly called The Walking Rushlight, sir? With portrait? 'No, nor yet him, said Mr Boffin.

If I have not already made clear my former sensations of the petrefaction of hand and brain, I despair of being able to do so any better now. Suffice it that once more I felt that inhibition, and that once more I was aware of the ubiquitous presence of the image of the dead artist.

"Why, surely, Lady Sara!" exclaimed Lady Tinemouth, doubtingly. "Don't fear me, Lady Tinemouth; I know my own dignity too well to do anything disgraceful; yet I would acquire the knowledge that he loves me at almost any price. But he is cold," added she: "he is a piece of obstinate petrefaction, which Heaven itself could not melt!"

From the time that Clara had thrown aside her veil and began to speak to him he had stood staring and staring his consternation growing and growing until it had seemed to have turned him into stone from which state of petrefaction he did not recover until he saw the stage coach roll rapidly away, carrying off whom? Capitola, Clara or the evil one? Wool could not have told which!