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Stepping softly on her embroidered slippers she led us to the next landing, where another golden-slippered being smiled out on us, a little girl this one, blushing and dimpling under a jewelled diadem and pearl-woven braids.

I knew-ew, at the last, that we weren't going to dr-rown.... I know just as certainly now that you're going to launch the Thunder Bird, to go-o where nothing Earthly has ever gone before.... Father-r!" Silence fell upon that passionate little cry in the dim workshop. Only the beauty of the pearl-woven thing upon the table spoke the record to go down to posterity.

Pem's blue-star eyes were dim now, but in them was the wisdom of babes the wisdom oft hid from the wise and prudent. "Daddy-man!" She bowed her head over the pearl-woven prophecy, speaking very low. "I could always tell you my thoughts.

Breathlessly she caught it up, that something, four feet and a half of the beaded history of a girl, pearl-woven prophecy, too! Hugging it to her breast, that long leather strip, an inch and a half in width, on which her glowing young life-story was woven in pearls, with those rainbow flashes of color the loom with it she hurried out of the room.

Up and down old Greylock she plodded, looking for it, hand in hand with Toandoah, but ever it eluded them! Muttering, bereft, she tossed; then for a moment awoke, blinkingly sat up, to see the moonlight flickering Mammy Moon's own smile upon the pearl-woven prophecy beside her, from which she could hardly be parted by night or day. Sleep again!

Then there were Kauffmann nymphs garlanding the altar of Love; a Veronese supper, all sheeny textures, pearl-woven heads and marble architecture; and a Watteau group of lute-playing comedians, lounging by a fountain in a sunlit glade.

Finished now it was, the pearl-woven prophecy fair record to go down to posterity! In faith such faith as had inspired Penelope, faithful wife, of old, to weave and unravel her endless web, steadfast in the belief of her husband's return, so the girlish fingers upon the loom had wrought the transcendent story to a finish.