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'Twas the favourite of the Princess, the windows of whose father's castle already gleamed through the trees, where honours and favours awaited the adventurous. The white doe sprang away through the thicket, her snowy flank stained with blood; she made for the enchanted cot, and for entrance you too had the pass-word.

"All crowded with soldiers, factionaries, and attendants? that will never do for me, my lord; have you no secret passage to the gate, as you have to your dungeons? I have seen such in Germany." "There is a passage through the chapel," said the Marquis, "opening from my apartment." "And what is the pass-word at the gate?"

Here he paused a moment, and bent his ear in a listening attitude; then gave three distinct raps upon some substance that filled up the gap. "Who is there?" was demanded in a stern voice from within. "A friend," was the reply. "The pass-word." "Death to traitors!" "Enter!"

It would be better, if I might suggest, for the countess to write to him direct, saying that when two persons arrive and give some pass-word, say, for instance, the names of your three daughters, we shall not forget them, he is to give us any help we may require." This was agreed upon, and the party chatted until the count said that it was time for them to dress.

"We cannot help them, and we have far to go!" Often the swarming Cossacks, dashing around on their agile little ponies, called to them from afar off in their barbarous speech, but when they drew near and saw the Austrian uniforms, they passed them quietly, and were not surprised they had not given the pass-word.

Maggie figured thus as the relieving sentry, and so smoothly did use and custom work for them that her mate might even, on this occasion, after acceptance of the pass-word, have departed without irrelevant and, in strictness, unsoldierly gossip.

"If you were George Dewey himself," was the reply, "you shouldn't get by here without the pass-word." We bid adieu to our poetical conductor, take a cross-town car, and are presently pushing at the revolving doors a draught-excluding plate-glass turn-stile of a vast red-brick hotel, luxurious and labyrinthine.

"A merchant, may it please you, Sir, who, having brought gifts from Alexandria to a lady of the Queen's household, and, having been entertained of the lady, now departs to his galley," I answered in a feigned voice. "Umph!" he growled. "The ladies of the Queen's household keep their guests late. Well; it is a time of festival. The pass-word, Sir Shopkeeper?

And as I stood a young man came and touched me on the shoulder, asking me if I was from Abouthis and named Harmachis. I said "Yea." Then, bending over me, he whispered the secret pass-word into my ear, and, beckoning to two slaves, bade them bring my baggage from the ship. This they did, fighting their way through the crowd of porters who were clamouring for hire.

Since the Revolution was accomplished, and the constitution had imposed on each party legal order, it was different. The insurrections of the people were no longer agitations, but plans. The organised factions had their partisans their clubs their assemblies their army and their pass-word.