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"I'll be damned if you leave me behind, Maurice," he laughed, "of course I'm coming, too! She's the most delightful creature I've ever set eyes on!" And so it ended by them going through the pass-door together. That night Nur-el-Din kept the stage waiting for five minutes. It was a climax of a long series of similar unpardonable crimes in the music-hall code. The result was that Mr.

"He got me out through the pass-door onto the stage and through the stage-door." Derek was feeling cheated. He had the uncomfortable sensation that comes to men who grandly contemplate mountains and . . . see them dwindle to mole-hills. The apparently outrageous had shown itself in explanation nothing so out-of-the-way after all.

She could not see them. For an instant a little spasm of pique stung her at the thought that Derek had deserted her. She groped her way after her companion, and presently they came by way of a lower box to the iron pass-door leading to the stage. As it opened, smoke blew through, and the smell of burning was formidable. Jill recoiled involuntarily. "It's all right," said her companion.

Jill, standing listlessly in the wings while the scene-shifters arranged the second act set, was aware of Wally approaching from the direction of the pass-door. "Miss Mariner, I believe?" said Wally. "I suppose you know you look perfectly wonderful in that dress? All Rochester's talking about it, and there is some idea of running excursion trains from Troy and Utica. A great stir it has made!"

Mr Saltzburg pondered. "I will go and speak to the children," he said. "I will talk to them. They know me! I will make them be reasonable." He bustled off in the direction taken by Mr Miller, his coattails flying behind him. The stage director, with a tired sigh, turned to face Wally, who had come in through the iron pass-door from the auditorium. "Hullo!" said Wally cheerfully. "Going strong?