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Owato Wanisha will guide our warriors, he will preside in council, for two gods are with him the Manitou of the Pale-faces and the Manitou of the Red-skins. "Hear my words, Shoshones! I shall soon join my father and grandfather in the happy lands, for I am old!

As long as I spoke, the deepest silence reigned over the whole assembly; but as soon as I sat down, and began smoking, there was a general movement, which showed me that I had made an impression. The old great chief rose, however, and the murmurs were hushed. He spoke: "Owato Wanisha has spoken. I have heard. It was a strange vision, a beautiful dream.

No! their nature cannot change, not more than that of a chief, and that chief, a chief of the Shoshones! "Owato Wanisha will remain what he is; he is too young to be the great chief of the whole of a great nation. His wish is good, but his wisdom is of yesterday; he cannot rule. To rule belongs to those who have deserved, doing so, by long experience. No!

During the day I think of it; I dream of it in my sleep. At last, I have had great thoughts thoughts proceeding from the Manitou. Hear now the words of Owato Wanisha; he is young, very young; his skin is that of a Pale-face, but his heart is a Shoshone's. "When you refused to till the ground, you did well, for it was not in your nature the nature of man cannot be changed like that of a moth.

"Chief," he said, "and wise men of a brave nation, you have conferred upon us a trust of which we are proud. To Owato Wanisha, perhaps, it was due, for he is mighty in his tribe; but I and the Shakanah are no chiefs. We will not decline your favour, but we must deserve it.

"The Arrapahoes," said he, "love the young Owato Wanisha and his pale-faced brothers, for they are great warriors, and can beat their enemies with beautiful blue fires from the heavens. The Arrapahoes know all; they are a wise people. They will take Owato Wanisha to their own tribe that he may show his skill to them, and make them warriors. He shall be fed with the fattest and sweetest dogs.

The Comanches even now have a Shoshone heart, a Shoshone tongue. Owato Wanisha has been with them; he says they are friends, and have not forgotten that they are the children of the Great Serpent.

"The Arrapahoes," said he, "love the young Owato Wanisha and his pale-faced brothers, for they are great warriors, and can beat their enemies with beautiful blue fires from the heavens. The Arrapahoes know all; they area wise people. They will take Owato Wanisha to their own tribe, that he may show his skill to them, and make them warriors. He shall be fed with the fittest and sweetest dogs.

No! their nature cannot change, not more than that of a chief and that chief, a chief of the Shoshones! "Owato Wanisha will remain what he is; he is too young to be the great chief of the whole of a great nation. His wish is good, but his wisdom is of yesterday; he cannot rule. To rule belongs to those who have deserved doing so, by long experience. No!

Owato Wanisha will guide our warriors, he will preside in council, for two gods are with him the Manitou of the Pale-faces and the Manitou of the Red-skins. "Hear my words, Shoshones! I shall soon join my father and grandfather in the happy lands, for I am old.