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Caesar was not one of those over-wise people who refuse to embank the sea, because forsooth no dike can defy some sudden influx of the tide.

At the same time of course, with their affectation of knowing better when it was too late and their over-wise impracticabilities, they proved a perpetual clog to those who were acting; their daily work consisted in criticizing, ridiculing, and bemoaning every occurrence great and small, and in unnerving and discouraging the multitude by their own sluggishness and hopelessness. The Ultras

"Three months ago he hardly dared hope for me he would have kissed the dust under my feet and now he flies into fits of jealousy because I dance with another man." "'Tis human natur to go by leaps an' starts in love, Molly." "It's a foolish way, grandfather." "Well, I ain't claimin' that we're over-wise, but thar's al'ays life ready to teach us."

They forget that Solomon, the wise, when he says, 'Be not over-much wicked; neither be thou foolish why shouldst thou die before thy time? says also, 'Be not righteous over-much; neither make thyself over-wise. Why shouldst thou destroy thyself? For such people do destroy themselves. I have seen them kill their own bodies, and die early, by this folly.

Every college might and should be made a nursery of athletes in mind and body, clear-eyed, stout-hearted, strong-limbed, cool-brained, a nursery of soldiers; quick, self-possessed, brave and cautions and wary, ready in invention, skilful to command men and evolve from a mob an army, a nursery of gentlemen, reminiscent of no lawless revels, midnight orgies, brutal outrages, launching out already attainted into an attainting world, but with many a memory of adventure, wild, it may be, and not over-wise, yet pure as a breeze from the hills, banded and sworn

Booth, however, was too sensible and too well-bred to make the excuse of forgetfulness to a lady; nor could he readily find any other. While he stood therefore hesitating, and looking not over-wise, Miss Matthews said, "Well, sir, since by your confusion I see you have some grace left, I will pardon you on one condition, and that is that you will sup with me this night.